- Georgia has many state-recognized educational and educational institutions, with a number of private accredited universities.
- University institutions in Georgia are divided into: public universities and educational universities that include bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral programs and colleges that only integrate undergraduate study and higher professional education programmers.
- Georgia gives some foreign students a year to stay in the country without a visa, which makes it easier for students to get to know Georgia, complete their required papers and choose specializations carefully.
- University education in Georgia is of high quality in accordance with European and international education standards and technological development factors are harnessed in order to raise the level of scientific research, training and knowledge.
- The Georgian language is the official language inside universities and some private universities adopt the English language besides the Georgian language.
- Georgia offers a set of study grants that include government grants, private grants and college grants for Georgian students to study in the most prestigious European and American universities.
- Grants for Arab students are often student exchange programs with Arab universities and educational institutions and Georgian embassies in Arab countries announce them every year.
- Appropriate tuition costs for different categories of students.
- Georgia universities provide courses for students who are not eligible to attend university

Solo Admission
Solo Admission , study abroad, Universities, Recognized Universities, Recognized universities in Egypt, University, Georgia, الدراسة في الخارج, الجامعات, جورجيا, التعليم, تبليسي, تكلفة الدراسة , دراسة الطب, دراسة الهندسة , الطيران , السكن في جورجيا , المعيشة في جورجيا , cost of living, cost of study, education, medicine study, engineering, Tbilisi, aviation, study in English, admission, جامعات معترف بها, جامعات معترف بها في مصر